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Project News | June 27, 2024

North American Primate Sanctuary Alliance

Andy Gray of NAPSAJoin us in welcoming North American Primate Sanctuary Alliance’s (NAPSA) new director, Amanda Gray. Amanda, who goes by Andy, has been working with primates since 2008. She has experience at numerous NAPSA-member sanctuaries, and most recently served as Program Manager for Second Chance Chimpanzee Refuge Liberia. Andy replaces Erika Fleury, whose work with NAPSA spans nearly 10 years.

Learn more about Andy Gray here.

SF Hep B Free

SF Hep B FreeSF Hep B Free invites you to join them at their event July 25, 2024, in advance of World Hepatitis Day. Join them for happy hour where they’ll provide complimentary drinks and other refreshments. Attendees will then walk over to the lit up city hall for a golden hour group photo. The event will feature speakers and patients sharing their stories. Please make sure to register in advance as this event will have limited space.

The event will be held July 25, 2024 at the Gambit Lounge in Hayes Valley, CA. Sign up here.

Pre-Health Dreamers

Pre-Health DeramersNext month, Pre-Health Dreamers will hold their 4th Annual Conference: Revolutionizing the Health of Undocumented Communities. This two-day event will feature speaker Rachel Ray, Managing Attorney, UC Immigrant Legal Services Center, and a workshop, titled Undocumented Scholars and Graduate Medical Education: Will the Future Be Inclusive? There will be 10 workshop sessions during this online conference. Participation in this event will strengthen Pre-Health Dreamers’ advocacy, community training, and mentorship, significantly impacting their shared mission to help advance undocumented students into healthcare professionals.

The event will be held July 25–26, 2024. Learn more here.

Paul R. Williams Collection

Paul R. Williams CollectionGet ready to dress up for the upcoming Paul R. Williams Scholarship & Education Fund’s Gala Fundraiser. Join them this September for a wonderful night celebrating Los Angeles in the 1920s at the famed Beverly Hills Hotel. This reception and dinner honors those receiving awards raises funds for the scholarships created to inspire, support, and celebrate young people pursuing careers in architecture.

The event will be held September 18, 2024. Learn more and purchase tickets here.

Try Our Fiscal Sponsorship Calculator!

Community Initiatives' Fiscal Sponsorship CalculatorNow you can do the math and help decide if Fiscal Sponsorship makes sense for your nonprofit project. The first-ever Fiscal Sponsorship Calculator is designed to be an easy-to-use tool that provides a high-level comparison of the savings of fiscal sponsorship versus running an independent 501c3. All you need is your project’s estimated annual revenue and number of paid full-time employees.

Try it here.

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