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Project News | February 22, 2024

National Writing Project (NWP)

National Writing ProjectThe Writers Who Care editors are asking teacher-writers to help celebrate NWP’s 50th birthday! Participants are encouraged to share their NWP journey, including the memorable moments, influential people, practices, and joys that have shaped them and their work. Suggestions include reflections on significant events, milestones, or individuals they encountered through NWP and how these experiences have influenced their teaching and approach to working with students.

The deadline for submissions is March 31, 2024. Learn more here.

MENTOR California

MENTOR CaliforniaMENTOR California has shared their report on the state of mentoring. The report, California Love: The State of MENTORing in CA, shares their findings and evaluates the work they’ve done since their inception in 2020. MENTOR California’s vision is that every young person in California has the supportive relationships they need to grow and develop into thriving, productive, and engaged adults. From Executive Director Marcus Strother’s forward, “MENTOR California hopes this state of mentoring report can be a blueprint, from multiple high performing mentoring organizations, on how we do this well but most importantly, how we do this with LOVE!”

View the report here.


GameheadsGameheads has partnered with Insomniac Games, Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE), and Marvel Games to create two new Spider-Man suits for Marvel Games’ Spider-Man 2. From March 7, 2024 through April 5, 2024, the suits, designed by Gameheads participants, will be available to purchase for $4.99 per pack in the United States. PlayStation/SIE is donating 100% of the sales (up to $1 million) to Gameheads so they can continue their work providing support and special opportunities for the creative minds of the underrepresented students in tech they serve.

Watch the promo here.

Libros Schmibros Lending Library

Libros SchmibrosLibros Schmibros Lending Library will be sharing a free movie screening of Stand and Deliver, presented by The EastSide CineClub. This is the second film in the “East Los Angeles Plays Itself” film series. Libros Schmibros is located across the street from Metro Mariachi Plaza Station in Boyle Heights, East Los Angeles.

The screening will be held February 28, 7pm at Libros Schmibros Lending Library. See their events page here.

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