California Foodshed Funders
California Foodshed Funders seeks to shift food production from being an extractive industry to one that rebuilds healthy agricultural ecosystems. In addition, California Foodshed Funders supports the shift to organic farming. Currently, only 2.6% of California’s more than 77,000 farms are organic. An increase in the number of organic farms would mean reducing the use of harmful synthetic pesticides, herbicides, and genetically modified organisms (GMOs).
Read more here.
Castro Country Club
For the first time in two years, Pride 2022 will feature a large, multi-day in-person celebration. Castro Country Club will have an exhibit in the well-know Pride Parade called the Sober Drag Show.
Read more here.
Bay Area Community Health Advisory Council
Join the Bay Area Community Health Advisory Council (BACHAC) this Thursday, June 16th from 6-7:30pm PDT, as they screen “Better By the Day”, a film that features a diverse and local group of young people sharing their tools of hope and resilience during the pandemic.
The film screening will be held at the PAL Building in Redwood City where those joining can learn and engage in discussion about BACHAC’s new resilience toolkit as well as experience the Faces of Resilience project that features therapists and healers of color who lift the importance of mental health and wellness.
Register here for the event.
Pre-Health Dreamers
Join Pre-Health Dreamers for their 2nd annual conference: Revolutionizing the Health of Undocumented Communities. This online event is designed for healthcare professionals and advanced students in health professional programs who seek to empower and help build healthy undocumented communities. Health professionals and advanced students in health professional programs are encouraged to attend.
The conference will be held Saturday, June 25 from 9:00am – 3:30pm PDT,
Learn more about the conference here.
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