A Mitzvah to Eat
A Mitzvah to Eat is a pluralistic group of Jewish educators, clergy, and community members who recognize and support those who need accommodations for Jewish ritual practices due to health conditions, disabilities, trauma, and more. Last month, they provided a supportive guide for navigating Yom Kippur, which can be tricky for those who cannot fast for health reasons. Their Yom Kippur prayer guide was shared widely on Facebook and received thoughtful feedback from the community. Bookmark their website where they share helpful resources for those who need support during events.
See their Yom Kippur FAQs here.
Libros Schmibros Lending Library
Libros Schmibros supports Los Angeles’ Boyle Heights community by providing a bilingual lending library to community residents. Their goal is to provide a space for sharing good books and good company. They also provide film screenings, public conversations and podcasts, hold classes, install pop-ups around town, read to kids, and lead field trips. Their next Children’s Storytelling Hour is coming up this weekend, and will feature bilingual storytelling and activities in English and Spanish. Children ages 5+ and their families are welcome.
The Children’s Storytelling Hour will be held Sunday, October 29, 2023. See their events calendar here.
The Jazz Therapists
Since 2015, Oakland-based The Jazz Therapists have been playing pre-1945 American jazz for audiences in a variety of venues in the Bay Area and have delighted residents of more than 75 senior living facilities. The group loves performing treasured jazz classics together and seeing attendees’ eyes light up as they clap, dance, and smile. Select recordings of their work are available on their website to enjoy.
The Jazz Therapists’ digital album Love You Madly is on their website.
Trail Mixed Collective
Trail Mixed Collective supports an inclusive community for women of color to be empowered and participate in outdoor recreational activities.
Join them next month for several events in the Pacific Northwest.
- Intro to Skiing & Splitboarding, Tuesday, November 7th.
- End of Year Celebration, Saturday, November 11th.
- Intro to Strength Training, Tuesday, November 14th.
- Climb & Coffee Seattle Bouldering Project, Friday, November 10th.
- Nature Ceramics, Sunday, November 12th.
- Intro to Beading, Sunday, November 19th.
- QTBIPOC Climb Nights w/Queer Mountaineers, Climbers of Color, the 4th Monday of each month.
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Let us know what’s going on with your project and we’ll do our best to get it into the next Project News and share on social media.
Email Stephanie at communications@communityinitiatives.org.
If you would like to learn more about our projects, please visit our projects page.