Attendance Works
Chronic Absenteeism, a term coined by Hedy Chang (founder of Attendance Works), is defined as students who miss 10% (18 days) of school in a year. In San Francisco, the rate of chronic absenteeism has reached 24%, which is well above the 17% national average. Vulnerable populations make up a significant portion of students who are chronically absent.
Read more here.
Salinas Community Science Workshop
Salinas Community Science Workshop received some positive publicity in a recent write-up in the Monterey County Weekly publication. They let readers know about their program and the successes they’ve achieved throughout their first year. In the article, they mention that they are working on developing a mobile science lab so they can bring science to kids!
Read more here.
Radical Monarchs
Radical Monarchs are looking for some incredible and motivated individuals to bring the Radical Monarch Movement to new cities in 2023. Find out more about the responsibilities of being a Radical Troop Leader by attending their upcoming info session.
Topics for the webinar include:
The recruitment process and timeline
Community Cost Structure
Radical Badge Units
Thursday, September 15, 2022 5:00 PM (PDT)
Register for the event here.
CA Community Schools Learning Exchange
The CA Community Schools Learning Exchange (CSLX) and the National Center for Community Schools are proud to announce the Community Schools Fundamentals Workshop! From September 19-30, 2022, CSLX will hold four two-day events in Sacramento, San Jose, San Diego, and Fresno.
Find out more about these events and register here.
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