Quarterly Newsletter
June 16, 2023
Quarterly Contest!

Win One of Three $50 Gift Cards!
This quarter, we are asking for people to to explore our new website!
- Check out our new website and learn more about the Benefits of Fiscal Sponsorship.
- Find one detail about Fiscal Sponsorship and send it by email to us at communications@communityinitiatives.org to enter to win one of three $50 gift cards of their choice.
- One entry per person, please!
- Winners will be notified by email July 17, 2023.
Employee Profile
Meet Rose Eteti!
Rose is Community Initiatives’ HR Generalist.
What is your favorite food? I’m a foodie, I don’t have a favorite but I love seafood!
Where are you from originally? Cameroon, West Africa
What was your first car? 2014, BMW 320i
What is your favorite color? Peach
What are your hobbies? Spending time with family, physical exercise, hiking, road trips, sightseeing.
What is your favorite book? The Conversation by Hill Harper
What is your favorite TV show? Law and Order, Special Victims Unit
What was your first job? Cashier/Sales Associate at Target

Staff Question
Are You Going On Vacation? If So, Where?
We polled our staff to find out about their summer plans, and it looks like the majority are headed on an adventure!